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Town Center Project

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The Stanford Town Center Project

Stanford is reimagining the heart of campus to be a focal point of intellectual vitality, social engagement, and community building.


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A vibrant campus hub

The goal of the Town Center Project is to transform the heart of campus into a dynamic hub for the Stanford community. An advisory committee of students, faculty, and staff representatives, informed by extensive community input, is responsible for providing guidance and advice to planners.

Advisory committee

Our vision

The concept of a town center emerged from Stanford’s Long Range Vision process. A subsequent community engagement process revealed a preference for a vibrant campus center reflecting iconic campus experiences and the energy of today's community.

Guiding principles

Iconic spaces

The Town Center Project area roughly includes Tresidder and White Plaza, the bookstore and post office, and Canfield Court and Meyer Green. Boundaries are intentionally loosely defined and may change as next steps add detail to the vision.

New uses for familiar settings

Help shape the Town Center

We need your help to turn this vision into reality! Throughout the planning phase, Stanford will continue engaging with the campus community through surveys, discussions, and presentations. Stay tuned for events and updates.