Looking Ahead
Stewarding the future of the region to serve future generations

With buildings and landscaping that provide inviting and communal spaces at the heart of campus, the heart of campus is being designed to energize the community and strengthen academic and social experiences.

The Town Center Project is an ambitious re-imagining of the current White Plaza region of campus that will energize the community and foster both social and academic connections among faculty, staff, students and postdocs. The project will include new buildings, renovations to existing buildings, and connective landscaping.
Community engagement, slowed by the pandemic, has resumed. Design decisions will become conceptual renderings and architectural plans. Pilot projects and interim programming will work to enhance community both in the near future and far beyond.

Programming and enhanced spaces will serve a myriad of needs and help foster a greater sense of community and provide opportunities for people to connect socially and intellectually.

The ultimate goal is a series of vibrant, inviting settings that celebrate the Stanford of yesterday and today – meeting changing needs of a dynamic community over time.
The Town Center Project arose from Stanford's Long-Range Vision, the university’s community-sourced planning process anchored in the university’s mission of research and education in service to humanity. Town Center is aimed at supporting our community members as they work and learn together in support of that mission.