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Town Center Project Overview

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Looking Back

The Town Center Project extends across an area that includes White Memorial Plaza and "The Claw" fountain, the Stanford Bookstore and U.S. Post Office, Canfield Court and Meyer Green, and Tresidder Memorial Union and Dinkelspiel Auditorium. Over time, new structures, landscapes and alterations have addressed the changing needs of students and the broader university community. But the area has largely been unchanged since the 1980s.

Looking Ahead

With buildings and landscaping that provide inviting and communal spaces at the heart of campus, Town Center is being designed to energize the community and strengthen academic and social experiences. Community engagement, slowed by the pandemic, has resumed. Design decisions will become conceptual renderings and architectural plans. Pilot projects and interim programming will work to enhance community both in the near future and far beyond. The ultimate goal is a series of vibrant, inviting spaces that celebrate the Stanford of yesterday and today – meeting changing needs of a dynamic community over time.